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Bellingham Public Library offers downloadable ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to card holders.

Use Washington Anytime Library to download ebooks and audiobooks 

Washington Anytime Library is the place to go to check out downloadable ebooks and audiobooks for use on your computer or mobile device.

  • User Guides are available with detailed instructions for each type of device.

How borrowing ebooks and audiobooks works:

  • Downloadable items circulate like other library materials. The library owns a copy of each title, and one borrower at a time can check it out.
  • If a title is available, you can check out and download the item right away.
  • If a title is checked out by another user, you may place it on hold. You will be notified by email when the title is available.
  • You have a choice to check out an ebook or audiobook for either 7, 14, or 21 days. Downloaded items automatically expire after the lending period is complete. If you prefer, you can return an ebook or audiobook earlier than the due date.
  • You may have 5 downloadable items checked out at a time, and 8 holds pending at a time.
  • Downloadable items are accessed from the Washington Anytime Library online catalog. The software is provided by the Overdrive company.

Use RBdigital Magazine Collection to download magazines

RBdigital offers popular magazines that library card holders can subscribe to and read for free on a computer or mobile device. Select the appropriate user guide:

How borrowing eMagazines works:

  • Library card holders can check out and read a selection of one hundred digital magazines for free on their computer or mobile device. No waiting. No holds. Instant access. No time limits.
  • The magazines are full-text, in color, and often provide additional content such as video, audio, and web links.
  • There is no check out limit on the number of digital magazines.
  • Once you check them out, the issues are yours to keep until you delete them.
  • Computer users read their magazines instantly while connected to the Internet. Mobile device users create their account on the library website, then download the RBdigital app to read their magazines offline.

Need help? Contact the Bellingham Public Library at (360) 778-7323. We can assist you by phone or register you for a Tech Basics Coaching session to provide one-on-one assistance.