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Newspapers and News Magazines

News delivered in various formats, including options to read entire daily editions of The Bellingham Herald and other Washington newspapers.

The following titles are available online with your library card login.

Popular News Magazines (text-only):Found In:
The AtlanticAmerica’s News Magazines (Newsbank)
The EconomistGale OneFile: Popular Magazines
National ReviewAmerica’s News Magazines (Newsbank) or
Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines
The New York TimesProQuest US Newsstream or
Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines
The New YorkerGale OneFile: Popular Magazines
Popular ScienceAmerica’s News Magazines (Newsbank)
The Wall Street JournalProQuest US Newsstream

Read the WHOLE newspaper, online! Requires library card log-in (Bellingham Public Library barcode and PIN).

Jan. 13, 2025 – A new version of The Bellingham Herald is available! The ‘Today’s Edition’ is an Image Format that is a daily snapshot of the current articles on the paper’s website, including photos/graphics. Each article is about a page long. While pages appear to contain links, they don’t work. Use the Page Thumbnails tool along the right-hand side of the screen to scroll through available pages in each days’ edition.

Coverage: current issue and back issues into 2018.

Cascadia Daily News options:

Each newspaper offers a collection of options, including full-text search. Coverage varies. Requires library card log-in (Bellingham Public Library barcode and PIN).

Bellingham Herald and Bellingham Business Journal Index
The Bellingham Herald is indexed from July 1, 1992 to December 31, 2005. The Bellingham Business Journal is indexed from January 1999 to December 2005. A print index for the Bellingham Herald covering January 1988 through June 30, 1992 is available at the Bellingham Public Library. [This is only an index. Searches do not search or retrieve full text articles.]

Library card log-in not required. May require newspaper subscription to view content.

Recently ceased publication:

This website takes popular headlines and offers side-by-side article comparrisons from publications across the political spectrum.

Ad Fontes Media Interactive Chart on Media Bias
Ad Fontes Media is a public benefit corporation based in Colorado. Being a public benefit corporation means they are a for-profit business with a stated public mission, which is to rate all the news to positively transform society. In order to mitigate bias, Ad Fontes Media creates news content ratings with a team of human analysts with political views from across the spectrum. They are trained to look at the content of the news and score it according to their methodology.

Newspapers.com – West Collection provides access to historic newspapers, a tool that can be very helpful for family history and genealogy research. Ancestry and HeritageQuest search results include records from Newspapers.com.

The West Collection has newspapers from these states:


Includes the Bellingham Herald from 1903 – 1923.

Visit Newspapers.com – West Collection

Full-text searching of newspapers, magazines, newswires, transcripts, and more. Requires library card log-in (Bellingham Public Library barcode and PIN).