The Bellingham Public Library Teen Advisory Board provides leadership experience to positive, responsible, and enthusiastic students in grades 6 though 12. TAB members work with the Teen Services Librarian to identify and create relevant programs for their peers, create a welcoming space in the library for middle and high school age kids, and provide reviews and recommendations of current teen books and media. Meetings will be held monthly in person during the school year, September through May.
Selection guidelines for Teen Advisory Board:
- Teens are nominated to TAB by a parent, teacher, librarian, or current TAB member
- TAB members must be in grades 6 through 12
- TAB members must live in Bellingham
- TAB members will be selected based on their application and interaction with Teen Services Librarian
- TAB members must commit to at least 1 hour dedicated time each month
TAB members work as a team with the Teen Services Librarian to:
- Identify, create, and implement teen programs
- Write and submit reviews to be shared in library media
- Recommend books and other media for the YA and library collections
- Assist in creating an inviting teen area in the library
Why join the Teen Advisory Board?
- You will help guide teen services and collections at the Bellingham Public Library
- You will help make the library a better place for teens
- Volunteering (community service) looks good on college and job applications
- You get to hang out with our fantastic Teen Services Librarian and have fun!
If you are interested in nominating a teen, please email
TAB Book List

Books recommended by Bellingham Public Library’s Teen Advisory Board members. (Teen books are in the Teen Section; Middle Grade books are in the Children’s Library.)