UPDATE August 2021: The links below that point to the US Census website have all been redirected to https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial-census/decade/2020/2020-census-main.html
It is still not too late to complete your 2020 Census Questionnaire today! Here is the latest news from the Census Bureau:
- Census takers are now visiting homes that have not completed the 2020 Census Questionnaire. Staff will wear masks and follow local public health guidelines when visiting your home. If you do not want a Census taker to visit your home, please go online https://my2020census.gov/ or call the phone numbers below to complete your 2020 Census Questionnaire.
- The last day you can complete your 2020 Census Questionnaire has been moved up from October 31 to September 30.
- You may receive an email reminder from the Census Bureau to complete your 2020 Census Questionnaire. The email will contain a link to complete the census online. This is a new effort by the Census Bureau.
To complete your 2020 Census Questionnaire online:
- Wait for the official mail from the Census and follow the instructions. The mail will look like this.
- Or, go to my2020census.gov to complete the Census now.
- For the online questionnaire in 59 non-english languages, please visit 2020 Census Language Support.
To complete your 2020 Census Questionnaire by phone:
- English language: 844-330-2020
- Spanish language 844-468-2020
- Russian language 844-417-2020
- For a full list of languages supported by phone and their phone numbers, please visit Responding by Phone, Language Support.
Your response counts!
Each and every individual living in our community is an important part of Census 2020. The results of each U.S. Census determine the allocation of more than $800 billion annually in federal funding to states and local governments, as well as determines congressional representation and district boundaries for federal, state, and local offices.
The official U.S. Census Day is April 1, 2020, but preparation for the Census has been underway for some time. You may receive information prior to that date, but you are asked to count everyone who is living in your residence as of April 1, 2020.
For more information, visit our U.S. Census 2020 web page.
Updated Schedule